Gustav Margriff

"Everything has a price."
1.029 Votes
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: Portly with a bushy mustache.
  • Birthplace: Lionel
  • Occupation: Merchant
  • Personality: Shrewd and business-minded.
  • Motivations: Profit and expansion.
  • Playable: No
  • Hobbies: Counting money, haggling.
  • Strengths: Negotiation, wealth.
  • Weaknesses: Lacks combat skills.
  • Goals: To become the richest merchant in the land.
  • Friends: Business associates
  • Enemies: Rival merchants

A little bit about Gustav Margriff...

Gustav built his trading empire from the ground up through cunning...

Chris Curry - 1 Hour ago

whachikan Just noticed that someone categorized this as belonging to the genre "demons" LOL

Chris Curry - 1 Hour ago

whachikan Just noticed that someone categorized this as belonging to the genre "demons" LOL

Chris Curry - 1 Hour ago

whachikan Just noticed that someone categorized this as belonging to the genre "demons" LOL

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