Meliadoul Tengille

"My blade serves justice and honor!"
1.029 Votes
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Blonde hair, armor
  • Birthplace: Limberry
  • Occupation: Temple Knight
  • Personality: Determined and principled
  • Motivations: Seeking justice and redemption
  • Playable: Yes
  • Hobbies: Training and prayer
  • Strengths: Swordsmanship, protective magic
  • Weaknesses: None
  • Goals: Avenging her family and defending the innocent
  • Friends: Ramza, Agrias, Orlandeau
  • Enemies: Corrupt nobles, Elmdore

A little bit about Meliadoul Tengille...

Meliadoul is a devoted temple knight...

Chris Curry - 1 Hour ago

whachikan Just noticed that someone categorized this as belonging to the genre "demons" LOL

Chris Curry - 1 Hour ago

whachikan Just noticed that someone categorized this as belonging to the genre "demons" LOL

Chris Curry - 1 Hour ago

whachikan Just noticed that someone categorized this as belonging to the genre "demons" LOL

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